Tasters Outings
The Tasters Outings
are scheduled for the third Thursday of every month. Locations: TBD.
Saturday Adult Socials
Saturday Adult Socials
will be held at the Beach House
starting at 5:30PM
and are planned for:
- May 25th
- June 29th
- July 27th
- August 31st
- September 28th
Please bring your beverage of your choice (BYOB) and a dish to share for get togethers with friends and neighbors. Your dish can be an appetizer, salad, main dish, dessert or whatever you choose to bring.
Golf Cart Parade
The Golf Cart Parade is scheduled for June 29th - time TBD
Ice Cream Social
This year’s Ice Cream Social
will be held on Saturday, August 3rd on the Greenbelt from 4:00-6:00PM. Along with Ice Cream and all the fixings, a DJ will be there to provide music for listening, dancing and games and prizes for children of all ages. “RoRo the Clown” will be giving out balloons to the children and will be involved in the games.
Special thanks to the Social Committee for arranging these fun events!